Die Groep het ten doel om:
◦ Die ware Evangelie van Jesus die Christus, die gesalfde Koning van Israel te verkondig.
◦ Hierdie Evangelie soos deur Jesus en Sy apostels verkondig, sentreer rondom die Koninkryk van God (Matt. 3:1-2; 4:23; 10:5-8) en bestaan uit die letterlike Twaalf Stamme van Israel soos in die ou Testament beskrywe. Dit is hierdie Evangelie van die Koninkryk van God wat as laaste teken voor die wederkoms van Christus verkondig moet word. (Matt. 24:14)
◦ Die oproep van Johannes die Doper, Jesus en Sy dissipels was tot hierdie volk om hulle tot God te bekeer. (Joh. 1:12; 3:5; 7)
◦ Die suiwer nakomelinge van die huis van Israel wat gevind word onder die Anglo Saksies, Keltiese, Germaanse en verwante nasies saam met die suiwer nakomelinge van die huis van Juda wat gevind word onder die Jodedom, vorm die hedendaagse afstammelinge van die Twaalf Stamme van Israel.
◦ Die hedendaagse Israel tot n waaragtige bekering tot God te bring.
◦ Die hedendaagse Israel tot n besef van hulle identiteit te bring.
The group aims to:
◦ Preach the true Gospel of Jesus the Christ, the anointed King of Israel.
◦ This Gospel as preached by Jesus and His apostles centers around the Kingdom of God (Matt. 3:1-2; 4:23; 10:5-8) and consists of the literal Twelve Tribes of Israel as described in the Old Testament.
◦ It is this Gospel of the Kingdom of God that must be preached as the last sign before the return of Christ. (Matt. 24:14).
◦ The call of John the Baptist, Jesus and of His disciples was to this people to convert to God. (John 1:12; 3:5; 7)
◦ The pure descendants of the house of Israel found among the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, and related nations together with the pure descendants of the house of Judah found among Judaism constitute the present-day descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
◦ To bring contemporary Israel to a true conversion to God.
◦ To bring contemporary Israel to a realization of their identity.